If you’re in an accident and the other party’s insurance company calls you, you should not speak with them. They’re most likely calling to pressure you into accepting a settlement before you can consult with a personal injury lawyer. Even if they sound like they’re calling to work with you, to put this behind you, they’re not— they’re only calling in their economic self-interest. They don’t care at all about your injury, your difficulties since the accident, your finances, or your well-being.
The other insurance company has no right to call you— even though they often do it anyway. Tell them to talk with your lawyer at the O’Cathain Law Group’s Personal Injury Department – you can even give them our phone number: (201) 488-1161.
You are under no pressure to talk with a representative from the other party’s insurance company— that’s not your responsibility. Your responsibility is to recover from your injury and make sure you family is taken care of. That’s where your own insurance company, and, more importantly, a certified personal injury lawyer can help.
We will deal with the other party’s insurance company, and force them, through negotiations, settlement, or trial, to pay the money that they owe you for this accident. The money you need to Move Forward.