

I’m very worried about my finances if I get divorced. Can you help

Of course, we can help— that’s what we’re here for, that’s what we do.

Financial worries are one of the biggest concerns in a divorce. Ranging from How will my children be able to live the life we’ve always lived? to Will we be able to stay in the marital home? to Will my soon-to-be-former-spouse try to take more than their fair share of our savings? Everyone has financial considerations when they contemplate getting a divorce.

Our job is to protect your family’s financial future. Remember that the divorce process puts tools in place to do this:

  • Alimony: Will you be entitled to alimony, and if so, how much? Will you be the ex-partner paying out alimony?
  • Child support: What amount of child support should you expect to receive, or pay out? How can you insure it will be the right amount for you, and your kids?

We handle the Division of Property & Preservation of Assets, High-Asset Wealth Protection, and Equitable Distribution. We know what it is to be concerned that your ex-spouse is going to try to destroy your family’s carefully built wealth and safety-net. And we’re here to make sure that doesn’t happen.

It’s natural to worry. But with the O’Cathain Law Group Family Law Department, worries over finances can turn to something more productive— a watchful eye on a healthy bottom line, security of your financial future, and the opportunity to Move Forward.